Skin Frame Tatto
A day dedicated to herself, to find herself, to tell about herself, to have memories.
For now, suffice it for you to know that the tattoo mark is the only way we can defend ourselves from those who want to annihilate us; it is the secret place inside which we can hide what is sacred to us. We don’t wear the marks to brag in front of others, but because that is the only pristine world we have left.
(Nicolai Lilin)
I have known Gaia for several years, primarily for her professionalism, and from there, without asking for anything, a mutual esteem for both of us was born. I decided to spend a day with her her cats and her work (because of Covid, I work from home) and tell in pictures Her and a small, discreet portion of her private life. And here’s the one here, the one that came out of it.
Here it is, an "Intimate Portrait" or intimate portrait.
A moment to indulge and find yourself
I am like a personal trainer, but in this case I tell with images, "Personal Visual Storytelling" a natural and sincere tale, YOUR story for a memory to cherish over time.